This little shit had me searching the streets nonstop for three days. Roast him.
King of Egypt Evolution (600FP or 75000 coins)
Potential Heroes for next game?
Am I the only one who finds 92 Maradona to be utterly underwhelming?
A viable Aerial+ formation?
I picked Roberto Firminio & regret nothing.
What Your Favorite Band Says About You:
What are your thoughts on current gameplay?
Recreating Bayerns 2-4-4 in fc25 (Tactics)
Deathcore vocalists you can think of with the most range
When did you first learn about porn? How did you feel about it?
What's going on with trivelas?
Do you believe in god? Why or why not?
4213 is in a dire need of a nerf
How do you deal with packing awesome player who doesn't fit your team?
Yeah, no, fuck Islam
How do people accomplish constant pressure 24x7?
This song is an unbelievable masterpiece.
Central to Sensational Evolution (300FP or 40000 coins)
Review on the 99 dribbling cr7 SIF?
Al Hilal made a statement on Neymar already playing more minutes for Santos than he did for them😳😬, Strong words
Can I still play players off position in custom tactics? Just like last year?
The Fantasy League proves that your squad actually makes a big difference
Why has Metalcore continued to be popular while other genres like Nü Metal and Post-Hardcore fizzled out?
Do I have enough time to complete the season? Currently lvl 9