Organizacja urodzin zrzutkowych
A tymczasem w sondażach.....
Does anyone know if this translation is correct
ELI5: Why is there a good vanilla artificial flavor, but not an artificial chocolate flavor?
Do you think AI will be dangerous soon? If so why?
Johnny was a scientist
Roshar may need some ornithologists
Has anyone seen a typewriter in their target language?
Catch and release: Cyrillic typewriter
Worst naming ever
Znana twarz Lewicy dołącza do wyścigu o fotel prezydencki. "Polska potrzebuje prezydentki"
Trump is president: In Europe, we still have a choice. Sign for safe and accessible abortion to protect our reproductive rights:
If EU is not globalist left-liberal project, why is every (or far majority of) patriotic national-conservative party in Europe Eurosceptic, while globalist left-wing and liberal parties are pro-EU?
ELI5:Magenta is red and cyan is blue so why isn't yellow a green hue?
As a chemistry student who has courses in both English and French, this can get confusing at times
Gadu Gadu powraca z nowym komunikatorem dla firm
ELI5 backwards compatibility
I remember when I was younger some bums drank cheap cologne (it was like 80% ABV). I onced tried one sip of it - absolutely horrible. I remember in the 90's / early 00's cheap cologne was someties sold in kiosks. Has it ever been a "thing" in your country?
Eat your veggies
Jasnah really thought
Co sądzicie o podejściu kelnerów do napiwków
Czy zrobiło sie drożej / gorzej?
Każdy mógł się omylić!
is this translation real?