A tower for the Iron Shadows achievement my friend and me built over the last two weeks
For my buddy needle worker
A little gift for my fellow builders
Post ur castles
Skyward Palace
Better resolution layouts
It’s Not The Size Of The Altar That Matters
Big Difference
Feedback on My First Spell
Who exactly is the United States government using directed energy weapons against?
Between Zeus and Poseidon who’s a better King, Husband, and Father?
They are hero's
Ban me
KKK pamphlets found in North Knoxville
Was anyone else like that as a child?
the city i am currently building
Are you guys worried about what’s happening in the US right now?!?
getting made fun of for veiling
What country is this? Correct answers only
How can we have faith when history and anthropology poke so many holes in religions?
What is the Catholic way of dealing with Pro Abortion friends after you have converted and changed your opinion?
Who is this woman?
how tf do i get a refund from this??
The heart 🫀