The reason my D&D world doesn't have the Common language
Am I stealing too much player agency?
How can I describe this symbol clearly without being too wordy or using the word cross? Everything I come up with seems too long. Thanks
A book came out this week with almost the exact same plot as my novel and I’m devastated
What to do with medium length stories?
What is the purpose of superlaser-equipped Super Star Destroyers in the Tarkin Doctrine (Legends/Canon)
Is there a name for this symbol? If not what is the best way to describe it in writing so it is clear and not to wordy? (without using the word cross)
Can you play D&D with just paper, pencil, and dice? In the cheapest way possible
My wife just got into anime the only thing is
Any advice for contract based magic systems?
Kieron Gillen's Die. Thoughts?
How major are the spoilers for the comics?
Question about playing the gm that I would love an answer to!!!
Be vigilant.
Three players, three paladins…help?
Games Where Dialogue Feels Like Combat
Non-cliché magic for stone age setting?
Forgemaster is such a simple yet genius magicsystem
The "Adaptation" issue
Should I save my 'big idea' book till I have written a few?
Do DnD players like doing characters?
Say Vader wasn’t burned at Mustafar and killed Obi-Wan. Does he go around as Anakin Skywalker or as Darth Vader?
Help me with my magic system?
Thoughts? In my story the main villian uses a lich as an ally/high ranking sorta general. The lich has his own motivations for agreeing to this but I couldn't fiqure out what they were, but today I came up with an idea---he wants to die. More below.
How many eddies are typically left over after expenses?