I’m sick of people bitching about 30 fps
What is your headcanon for why Samus loses abilities without explanation in some games?
What is the scariest creature ever designed
What is the greatest animated film of all time?
Famicom controller options
R1 Spamming ! Abhorrent Beast, All-Hit.
Majora's mask 3d is a fantastic was to play Majora's mask, and im tired of pretending it's not.
Found storage at a thrift store. Perfect fit!
Is an N8 needed?
At 46 years old, I finally have my first Neo Geo console
Tell me yours favorite places/chapters of the 3 games
Genuine Question: How do you pronounce "Varia Suit"?
Make the comments looks like his search history.
My wireless Master System controller build
Advice for power supply
New Adittions to My SEGA Collection
Best wireless controller solution?
What’s your favorite horror movie here?
What actor would you choose to play as Andrew Ryan
What's the old game you keep coming back to, time and time again?
Hadar sen olmen...
8bitdo Arcade Stick + BlueRetro Bluetooth adapter + 6-button mode = fail
Based on my collection - what titles should i get next?
What do you think bayonetta does in her free time
About to play for the first time, any tips/advice?