Making dinner with 18 month old
Microwave popcorn
What made you do it? Going from 1 child to 2
feeling a little blue
“Would you have a root canal without Novacaine?”
Chicago residents, what’s a dead giveaway that someone isn’t a local?
Kitchens with little counter space
Sorry this pic is kind of gross. About every month my bathroom sink starts to clog up and I shove this metal stick down there to de-clog it with the water running, and these gross spinach things float up. Any ideas why?
Electric blankets - the ultimate frugal heating
What do you hate about living in Spain?
Help. I think my husband has ADHD.
Getting Screened for ADHD
How to get screened for ADHD
PCR tests in Palma
MRI Options in Chicagoland Area
I'm ok if you're not vaccinated and I feel bad if you get sick.
Canary or Belearic Islands in September?
Canary or Belearic Islands?
Belearic or Canary Islands?
Why don’t I know?
Do I owe my husband a 3 month “reset” vacation?
I'm glad this Subreddit exists
Best Beach Area Near Cancun
Why isn’t it talked about enough that periods can reduce your quality of life?
Change credit card of payment?