can I buy a gun in the US if I see a therapist/psychiatrist?
Mayo is non-dairy
People who voted for Trump and were affected by the recent lay-offs, how do you feel? Have your opinions on this administration changed?
When Jesus comes back to Earth, will he make a social media profile? If so, what platform?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
what is the most erotic way you've ever had sex?
Whats your favorite sports team?
Anyone ever use the workbench from harbor freight?
Do you wash your hands before, after, both, or neither when peeing? And why?
What is a sign you peaked in high school?
There are so many people on reddit who are disconnected from the real world and don't know how it actually works.
Zero the hero is a badass song.
If you could give Trump infinite diarrhea, would you do it and why?
Whats a hill your willing to die on no matter how unpopular it is?
The name for the bad guys in Star Wars is an anagram of "shit".
you’re not depressed. you’re poor
if there were a draft for ww3, would i be safe?
How in the world is Homer Simpson the biggest loser in american culture?
what is kratom like?
When somebody says something you like do you just assume that its factually correct?
Why do we love playing with each other's waste holes so much?
Do you toast pop tarts?
If you’d humor me, how would I as an American realistically flee to another country should wartime come?
What is something that reddit exaggerates?
what’s something you saw 25 years ago that you don’t see nowadays?