Swatched my entire collection!
Why does kbshimmer’s qdtc smell like that??
Clionadh Haul
Clionadh - Gorgeous to behold impossible to photograph
Flower Child appreciation post
WIBTA if I don't "share" the inheritance that I received from a friend with her daughter?
Psilocybin + Flower child = unexpected dupe?
Storage help
A perfect neon lavender
Share your Lagotto’s eyes! 👀😍
Please tell me clionadh will live up to the hype
Clionadh haul swatch
Was the juice worth the squeeze?
HOW are people getting a week out of a mani?
ILNP Skye 🤩
Clionadh Canada shipping?
Big boned?
Flower Child Obsessed
"people with adhd don't feel, they are feelings"
No holo for me
My 3 month collection
can anyone tell me any useful tips on how to get an 8 week old puppy from biting?