What's this shape and text mean?
What's this shape and text?
“Regulators. We regulate any stealing off his property - we're damn good too! But you can't be any geek off the street, gotta be handy with the steel, if you know what I mean, earn your keep.”
Jaw dropping bio. 10/10
Wait hold on WAIT HOLD ON... I thought ONLY GUYS did this? LOL
Someone please explain: what went wrong?
Safe to say the chat ended here
Retired at... Wait what!?!?
What a charmer 😍
Does this answer make no sense, or am I just stupid?
How does anyone expect to have a conversation like this?
If I fumble my friends wont ever let me let me forget, what should I open with?
Why do all my matches in Kenya have the white heart?
He one-upped me 😅
Boys, this is how you rizz
I'm just so tired of trying. They want us to make an effort, but they don't make one back.
Is this a red flag?
Her bio said “pups and pipes ❤️”
I hate this BS
The best way to end a conversation
As soon as I gave him my number
Didn’t know where this was headed
Should I send this?
Someone on the rebound