tell me your controversial take and see if you're allowed in
What do y’all think about these bags?
What are your Swiftie hot takes?
Tell me your most controversial take on a friends character/moment
What sitcom/show cross overs would you love with GG characters?
how short are these shorts?
If you could get rid of 1 storyline from any character what would it be?
What is your favorite album and why?
Found this at the thrift store today, been a collector of gold tags for a long time but this is the first I’ve found with a tag still attached. Anyone have any value estimation? Sleep pants 100% silk, can’t find similar ones NWT anywhere online
Women Of Questionable Outfits
Recent brandy fits <3 I loveeee my Priscilla wide pants
The One With Zombie Apocalypse Day 1!! Who will be in "dies immediately"?
I will never understand the hate for Jackson
Bralette skirt
unpopular opinions (first watch)
First timers or another run through?
Does anyone have recommendations on what I should buy from brandy?
Oh my goodness this is so ugly😭
Taylor songs about Family matters or historical significance
is it just me or is this really ugly
What's your GG ick?
Name your most controversial SKIP and see if you’re allowed in…
What does my collection say about me?