Milady builds and poise
Got the jump on somr pesky little noobie try hards
What do you think, incompetent gankers or honest PvE'rs?
Disgusting RL5 with smithscript dagger and scarlet rot pots. Every invasion min 3-5 min. Some even up to 10 min.
LC on X
Cultural Victory Complete
Advice for a support/summoner build
What do yall think of my tank? Can first try Melania, and tank her dance. Anything that cam be improved?
This STR build is fun
GameStop Power to the players & the Hunter Association.
What is a gank?
RC on X
When you are the only one in the Souls group who completed Nioh
Billionaires That Use Tax Loopholes To Avoid Taxes Unsure Why Fire Department Isn’t Funded Sufficiently
"What we have been living for three decades is frontier capitalism, with the frontier constantly shifting location from crisis to crisis, moving on as soon as the law catches up." Naomi Klein, 2007 [850x400]
When is the Greatspear RR2 or powerstanced RL1 ever actually useful?
Bro's been obsessed with hating the USA on this sub. Just check his post history.
I'm curious what the free market absolutists think about this.
I understand why "we do not use empirical evidence" might sound weird at first, but once you understand why, you realize that "I derive theory from evidence" is sometimes a red flag.
Perfect Block is ... pretty perfect
Eddie hall being the first man alive to lift 500kg, breaking the record by 35kg
DFV is not going to DRS. Even if he did DRS ~9M shares it would not cause MOASS like you think. DFV is not as cryptic as most of you like to believe. He has never posted anything related to DRS. He did post this ⬇️
Capitalism is the way to go
Common Plastic Additives May Have Affected The Health of Millions