Characters who walk down their enemies to finish them off
Shin needs a nerf
I didn’t think we would get xenoblade 4 so early
Everyone's talking about ZA right now, but happy Pokemon day, everyone! Art by me.
I'm disgusted
F' this guy
Why I hate Showdown
I swear most people seem to underestimate this guy
Enamorus - 3438-0954-2081
Enamorus 4515 8692 2893
4213-2430-3643 Weather enamorous
Enamorus WB 2 locals 7763 1891 5173
Two friends that quickly turned into enemies after a critical moment
Randoms below 1k are a JOKE.
The hate for Mortis is real
Counter for shield decks
Is it a pride thing?
Chibi Mothra is a fujoshi
Finally good enough to pick him on heist
Mythological characters given different appearances through media
Favorite mythological characters given different appearances through media
So, guess what leader I was using?
Returning Player, how’s my team up against the current meta?
Seriously Reddit? Lilo and Stitch p**n as an ad?
What’s your least favorite map?