App does not exist anymore and nothing is tracking...
New Prolific update and why it's terrible
LOL , if anyone help these scammers . WTF going on
Other sites/app that pay as good as Prolific?
Just got my first rejection from prolific and I think it’s an error, I was rejected for fixing my camera and microphone for this study and was told I spent too long on the screening when I was just answering and reading the questions thoroughly.
dear Prolific — please, *please* address, once and for all
Anyone else get this? Did you get paid anything extra for it?
First issue with testerup - bingo blitz (iOS)
How long does it usually take for them to realize that I installed and launched the app.
Double PSA: Avoid Maze / / studies until they fix their auto-reject issue, and a theory on pre-screening pay
Be careful with "", please do not time people out for actually fully engaging and doing what you are asking people to do.
Was stuck in an endless battle
Bingo Blitz?
My Bingo Blitz Guide
Bingo Blitz - stuck please help
Anyone got payouts fixed
How often do you cash out?
Can we stop pretending like everything is fine
My sister got angry she lost to me in Wii Sports
Zoom interview
is this working for people or are you getting errors?
Help in creating prolific account
Playing with your own profile?
How many submissions/studies in one day on average?