[discussion] what youre favorite horror game platinum or that youre trying to plat
[discussion] what is the perfect platinum for you
[the dark pictures anthology] what is youre opinion on these games
[discussion] what is youre opinion on choice based games
[discussion] what is youre favorite game genre to play and favorite genre to platinum
[Discussion] What was your favorite platinum purely based on the plat experience?
[discussion] what has gotten you into trophy hunting
[Discussion] Suggest games for #25 Platinum
[Discussion] write down a platinum and I will add it to this wheel.
[Multiple Games] Recommend me a game based on my list!
[Discussion] can you recommend me some games with those initials?
[other] which should i platinum
[Little hope] #99 love this game
[Spider-Man 2] What is your proudest platinum?
[Multiple Games] My first 50 plats! Recommendations for the road to 75? No shovelware please
[Discussion] Any Game Suggestions?
[Mosaic] Suggest me a game or series based on my list of platinums
[platinum] are there some non shovelware easy and fast platinums?
[Discussion] What games had the easiest platinums to get?
[Other] I have a platinum for every genre on PSNProfiles
Leave a "MOMMY" if you're in, I wanna send nudes to random men
4 weeks bed rest. I need movies!
[Discussion] Tell me some plats that I can get for the final spots. No multiplayer.
[Multiple Games] Thoughts and Recommendations
[Discussion] am I a god gamer? Any suggestions for next plat?