Wanted to share my east west marquise 😍 I am so happy with it
Help! Can’t choose between 2 dresses!
Please Help Me Decide
my girlfriend’s new meds are spherical
White or yellow gold on me?
AIO to my ex's stories?
Need engagement ring advice
Yellow or white gold?
AIO to my boyfriend of 18 days?
which way looks better to be worn? Help!
Help me choose a size!
I accidentally became “the candle guy,” and now I’m stuck.
AITA for telling my sister her baby isn't a real baby
Engagement ring on top or bottom?
Tell me about your carat sizes & experiences
Would a bad purchasing experience make you return a diamond ring you love?
Is a solitaire too plain on me?
Which looks better? Am I neutral?
AIO Not wanting to talk to my uncle
Need some advice!
Help Picking Size
Please help me choose! 1ct or 2ct oval
What underwear are we ladies buying? Good quality and cute?
issue with needle depth/stroke