Sick of losing to wrong picks
Got fired even though I was hitting my quota, lol
If you were to become your LEAST favorite hero in the game for a day who would it be?
A bike with zero haters
Troll rather than Tank
Edith Exp
Is there any counter to this cancer early game?
Option of reporting troll picks
Surrendering in the first phase itself
I like this movie of SRK and Irfan!! This shows true meaning of struggle and friendship!! It's truly one of my favourite movies!!!
tell me who your main is and I'll make a wholesome assumption about you as a player :)
Shipping to India
Overpriced shipping or is it just me?
What’s a hero that for some reason you just can’t be good with?
🎉 400K Members Celebration Giveaway 🎉
Spell vamp on damage passive
Objective based gameplay
Most the 1* reviews are valid but this one perfectly summarizes the game.
Match Algorithm after win streak
Which is the Most Cancerous Hero To lane up Against?
My Tier List of how good I am at each hero. What are your S and Fs are?
Matchmaking Algorithm
How do you get software solutions leads?
Help me choose , I need y'all experience
How to tell if Layla is good