most underrated Algerian dish"lham lahlo"
I'm jealous of my friend because she can easily make friends
35m/ am I balding?
Entering Ramadan with a Broken heart
Should I marry him even if I don’t feel ”in love”?
Sick and tired of these sh¡ty bookstores
How do you deal with loneliness?
I was called ugly multiple times in middle school. Hope I got better
How competitive are you?
How do you react when an average woman in public smiles at you?
Is anyone else pumped for this Ramadan
Baby girl names
I cant sexually satisfy my partner 21F and 21M
What would you say it's The Best way to approach a girl you like in public
I am lonely , its pathetic
getting rid of your fear of public speaking in algeria
Which one is better Indrive or Yassir???
Girls at my university pissing me off
Why do some girls not have boyfriends?
19F first impression?
36F about to be 37 - honesty please want to look my best! 🙏🏼🥰
Im insecure about my physical strength and build, should i learn to wrestle as its sunnah?
Curious and absolutely terrified for what my first impression is :)
Should I Just Make Duaa & Istikhara, or Would It Be Okay to Say Hi?
Chubby or Fat guys here who get laid, what's your secret?