Any thoughts how serious these readings are?
Are afternoon readings normally higher than morning?
Is Reaper actually a good DAW?
Are breathing/relaxation exercises taken during readings cheating?
Automated Hero: Eclipse Project 1
What result do I record?
Do Omega 3 Fish Oil supplements harm heart health?
Are there some people that just cannot handle starches?
What is Anders Olsen's Conscious Breathing method?
Small spike. Does even a small spike tend to cause damage to the heart?
How long do Beta Blockers remain effective?
Daily Simple Questions Thread - February 19, 2025
Twice daily readings (UK)
How is it possible to reach 1.5g/kg of protein on PB?
What is the most studied (and validated) technique?
Is breathwork better seated or lying down?
Question about zone 2 cardio from someone that doesn't enjoy running
Just tried a zone 2 workout at home, heart rate question
Nightmare Club, Automated Hero (track 1 is more synthwavey - just FYI)
Any vst alternatives to the Korg Triton that are not overpriced?
Do I need a teacher?
Is there a complete list of Samples used?
Can I learn TM without a teacher?
How did kraftwerk make the synth arps in Numbers?
What actually is the Buteyko method and is it safe?