would a old 4 inch figure work for kitbashing if you are tying to make something Primarch scale?
Miniature hood
I know they can grow hair on there heads because of the top knots but is there any mention in the lore of them growing facial hair?
Is IDW prowl basically the autobot starscream?
New Dreadnought for my 30k Word Bearers
Trying to make a DIY bomb squig for my proxy Kill Team Kommandos. I'll have to scuplt the face and I'm terrified
My latest bonkers idea: converting historical 1/72 minis into Eldar Exodites. Some test models.
Paint Alternative Advice
both are good
Colour scheme ideas
Painted my first miniature today
Pyrotyrant hunting scouts
Is it possible to create this kind of effect with a brush?
In progress shot of my first model (any suggestions for improvement?)
A transformers size comparison for those of you who want kitbashing ideas
Ready to paint the Norns
Any ideas for the base ?
Can someone with a Norn emissary give a size comparison picture with a easter egg? I have ideas for a kitbash
Why she doin this face
Batman Beyond Custom from Animated Blurr figure, author Shinobitron
Found this crackship
More like a 30K meme, but still.
What do you do in this situation?
Rate my paint (I’m new)
my first five based termagaunts :D