No I dont want to race you. I just wanna get to my destination.
anyone know what part of the laptop controls the screen
Sabrina's poor laptop must be cooking sitting on the bed with no airflow 😭
NAND chip literally lifted off of my SSD
Why does my cat (Ray, 9mths) lick my lint roller? I noticed he was licking it while it was covered in lint (ew.) and removed that layer thinking maybe it was something stuck on it but he licks the new clean sheet.
FFS can we at least get an inch or two this year?
Sigh... Stumbled onto another goth lesbian make-out session at Broadway Market while trying to score a bag of Cool Ranch Dorito's. I'm so tired of Cap Hill.
I am stuck at the hardest part of Kali setup, where you need to come up with ultra master haxor sounding username. Send help
Chuck Jones humour
Had a gun pulled on me for flashing my brights
Is this an invasive species?
Cars driving at night with only daytime running lights (no taillights)
What would happen if I plugged this in?
I just bought an 'IdeaPad Slim 5 16AHP9,' and after unboxing it and turning it on, I noticed that the screen is flickering. Is there anything I can do, or should I just return it to the store
Washington sending wildland firefighters to help battle California inferno
Blue Cat Blues: The darkest episode ever
Safe to use?
More oyster recalls.
Battery is in debt
Treating roads like a racetrack...and then it happens
Ballon goes into power line
how tf do yankees get away with a V8 modur that produces 124HP
And I wondered why my power bar was tripping the breakers
What's a going on here?
Cruising in the "slow" lane - please explain