Rainbow babies
Worried about measles ?
Have you announced your pregnancy on social media?
Whats your zodiac sign and what zodiac sign are you giving birth to?
Anyone afraid of taking sperm in while babies in there?
Are you eating healthy in pregnancy?
What are Things you didn’t know about pregnancy before you got pregnant that you wish you did?
Do you post your baby on social media?
What's been your most inconvenient craving?
If you’re small-framed, when did you start showing?
What statement makes you roll your eyes immediately?
Why is water so nasty
Which symptom in your pregnancy do you dislike THE MOST?
Has anyone had a successful first pregnancy with no prior miscarriage?
Kate was really hard on Dorothy in this episode. Stan is the one who cheated and yet Kate is so nice to him…even when he starts talking about Chrissy and their house on Maui!
What age were you during your first pregnancy?
Just for fun. What was your baby’s heartbeat at their first appt?
What's something that's surprised you, in a good way, about your pregnancy?
Anyone dreamed about baby's sex did it result to be true?
Have you started shopping for baby yet or when will you?
In what season (time of year) will your baby be born?
What is y’all’s favorite episode?
What is your favorite Sophia quote?
American Pregnancy
When did you start to need maternity clothing?