Why is raising tarrifs a response to raising tarrifs? Aren't the price of the goods increased to compensate and no harm comes to the tariffed country?
Get the FREE GIFT in this week's Publisher Sale: Abandoned Post Apocalyptic City Pack. Link and Coupon code in the comments.
The formula for a BF Youtube thumbnail.
Does a game with intense situations generally run overly easy.
NASA says 'City killer' asteroid now has 3.1% chance of hitting Earth
It's not perfect but I am happy with the recoil system. Comments for detail.
This shows a MOVEMENT!
Can American's please stop using Spring and Fall for worldwide release dates.
A series of facts
I will keep upvoting all STEAM posts until we get it. We don't want to see HoN Fallacy 2.0. Creating own gaming platform in 2025 is a step back. Just piggyback on Steam's success.
Is this sub getting raided by bots?
Keep pushing for Steam
Piping Hot Take: I Don't Give Two Pints of Pelican Piss About iGames
When you upload a trailer to Steam, Steam itself explicitly tells you to "get to the action as quickly as possible." Almost every indie trailer I see posted to reddit does not do that.
There should be an optional checkbox to only enable teammates of the same rank, with the consequence being longer queue times.
Do achievements/badges/unlocks promote cheating?
When your mech is too damaged to fight you can send it out for one last mission.
What was the biggest waste of money in human history?
Does the Multiplayer Play Mode windows have no EditorLoop overhead? My game performs 30+ FPS faster.
Does _old indicate that there is an _new coming?
Only the beginning but feeling good about it so far.
It ain't much (really), But it's honest work.
Am I missing something how did I die so fast?
[S23 Mid-Season Patch] Transcend the Otherworld in the Astral Anomaly Event!
What time does the rank split occur?