Now that's a bad start to the morning.
Classic 80s Denim
RIP My Aldi 😔
New June owner, stuck in update mode
Run, don’t walk
Building a laminar flow box, need help picking out the correct blower [gourmet]
Building a Laminar Flow Box, have filter need help picking out right blower
Losing important detail when scaling model down a bit
Jif peanut butter. 1978.
Potatoes (1985)
WCGW when you have no idea how to bowl.
ELI5: Why did we *need* the blue LED before using them for general lighting?
1981 Sony ICF-2001 Whole Earth Radio Ad
Sears Exercise Equipment
Glyphosate in oats?
The B-52’s Concert Ticket Stub (1983)
Need help with roadways for exporting to STL to 3d print
Help with getting roads to show with depth vs flat for 3d printing
X1C Head Keeps hitting front and case falls off when calibrating
New user printing issues with x1
Hugh Jackman and his sister
Can't connect the app to the oven
Broken links on June website, not a good sign.
Campbell will acquire Rao's premium sauces parent company for $2.7 billion
Need help making small plants dormant (or at least extreme slow down of growth)