How do you properly use towns to boost cities?
What’s a movie you want to see that does not exists?
Oldest Vs Newest 5 Star Movie
What movie have you recently bought on Blu-ray, because it hasn’t been released in 4K?
Favorite submarine movie?
What movie had the best bathtub scene?
Best Movie That's Based on a True Story?
If you could go back and watch a film for the first time again, what would you pick?
If you could rewatch .. for the first time ..
The best series I’ve watched so far ( not in order) any suggestions??
What are some TV shows that you think were canceled too soon?
Here are my favorite shows. Suggest me something which I'd like(more in the body text)
Any thoughts on Gone Girl? First time watch tonight.
$1,000,000 per year but you MUST walk everywhere
Who's an acclaimed director you can't get into as much as everyone else?
What movie you wish you didn’t rewatch?
Any Robert Altman that should go in the collection?
What are films that actually *need* a criterion release
What is your favorite movie that 100% will never get in the club?
What’s your go-to movie when you’re sick and just need to feel better?
I need a 24 episode per season show ✨ to fill the void ✨
what's your favourite archetype of characters to write
Which woman in film is as badass as Ripley?
What Criterion Collection film would you die on a hill for?
Can someone suggest a book to help me become a better conversationist.