Can we please stop buffing ONLY Handheld Supernova with Chaos Accelerant? The aspect needs more help overall
Loudouts are broken
What are some fun and good Titan builds right now?
Did blizzard forget about brig???
How is everyone feeling about Tomb/Contest Of Elders?
The LH1 is ridiculous right now
There goes my luck for 2024
Can we please have a posh face that sounds posh when saying things. Can we start a petitin? I'm sure I'm not the only one out there right?
MESSAGE FOR EMBARK!!! Stop listening to people that are bad at video games! You have a great game!
I think my friend has a problem
Can’t play ranked
Best hunter god roll armor farm?
Just a thought I had while scrolling
Farming Dungeons Sucks
If you’re not playing D2 what are you playing?
Ok ok 6v6 nostalgics, i admit it, you were completly right. 6v6 is far better and funnier than 5v5
6v6 playtest
6V6 is so much better than 5v5 it's not even funny
Famas Famas Famas Famas Famas Famas Famas Famas
Game is suddenly sweaty as hell?
Learning the Wrong Lessons
Quick Cash Respawn Changes Are Bad
That's it. Bernal is my favorite map in the game
So for some reason Dede's Hype voice lines is still halloween theme