Hepzefa's Fire Sword. Is IT the best sword in AC Origins?
A Gift From The Gods. Got Mine On lvl 3 ๐. Lets' GooooOooooooo!
Did you know that you can get the Ultima Blade and Ziedrich Shield very early in the game while in Siwa? Look for a Green Quest Marker that says, A Gift From The Gods.
Cleo The Party Girl. Party Like It's 49 BCE.
100% End Game. Doin' A New Game+ With The Isu Armor.
Awe Inspiring. Every Time. All The Time. Origins Beginning.
Love Love Love The Curse Of The Pharaohs DLC
A Gentle Reminder. Lion's Cry Predator Bow at the Battlefield Of Kadesh. Don't missed IT.
Stone Circles Completed. What A Wonderous Journey.
Dark Side Of The Moon. My FAV Armor. What's yours?
Now poor Esio will be scarred for life
๐ Selfie With Queen Nefertari's Ba ๐
Nefertiti The Lady Of Grace. Who Is Your FAV Cursed Pharaoh?
I have the deluxe edition of AC Origins and now at level 32, but there is no Curse of the Pharaos DLC... how can I add that DLC?
Have You Unlocked White Senu In Story Mode?
Ros The Cerberos. Welcome To The Underworld.
The Bodyguard
Reda. The Mysterious Wandering Merchant. Who Is He Really?
Hi guys , just wanted to know how we get this white isu armor set ? Is it some kind of mod ?
Mutemwiya - Whispers In The Wind
Anubis Sets My FAV InGame
Tales From The Tomb Trailer
Bayek Of Siwa The Hidden One
Darth DurJana The Fallen Jedi Master