Jim Lee Batman Hush Joker sketch added to my collection!
My Mafex Dark Knight Returns display!
Put together a custom Red Hood to join my Batman Mafex crew.
The Zizzle Lord Cutler Beckett Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End Figure... Who has him? It seems to be the missing piece in almost every collection I see. All of Series 3 seem to be rare, but Beckett especially never turns up for sale. Was he shortpacked or just not distributed? Cancelled?
One of the best pieces in my collection... Original Cam Kennedy painted art from the Dark Horse Boba Fett comics. :) Cam is by far my favorite Star Wars comic artist, and it is a privilege to have this displayed on my wall.
I acquired materials related to MCM Pease homes about a year ago, with the best items being original design paintings used for their sales catalog & shows. Since I no longer have space to store them, I have started listing them with EBTH. First 5 are up now, with more being added over the next week.
Anybody like MCM Pease homes? About a year ago, I acquired a large amount of original paintings for Pease home designs (used in their catalogs and at trade shows). Over 30 original paintings plus a ton of marketing material. They will be listed for sale at EBTH.com VERY soon!
A picture from the local paper of my friends and I at the front of the line to see Star Wars Episode I back in '99... Hard to believe it has been 24 years.
[question] Anyone else recall seeing Darth Maul's original death scene?
If you need stands for Star Wars Black Series, this may help ya!
Next Batman The Animated Series Storyboard Sequence is up- Terror In The Sky Acts 1 & 2
Batman The Animated Series Storyboard Sequences I Am The Night Act 1
Does anyone have that Baby Geniuses clip Paul Rudd talked about?
[US-GA] [H] oop x-men omnis, artifacts slipcase, current marvel event runs [W] Paypal, invincible compendium hardcover vol 1,
[US-GA] [H] secret warriors omnibus, wolverine mark Millar omnibus, floppies, and hardcovers [W] Paypal, invincible compendium hardcover vol 1, oop omnis
Prototype Disney Toybox figure of Sam from FATWS seemingly leaks out, showing SPOILERS
Not sure if this has been revealed yet but I spotted it in a prototype collector group... Appears to be a prototype for a Sam Wilson Captain America!
[US/OH] [H] Wolverine and the X-men, Jason Aaron wolverine, wolverine goes to hell, berserk deluxe vol 1, kravens last Hunt ohc, American vampire omnibus, bprd/ hellboy omnibus tpb[W] PayPal
[OH] [H] $$ [W] Jason Aaron Wolverine Omni Vol 1 & the Wolverine & The X-Men Omni...
Looking for the Jason Aaron Wolverine Omni Vol 1 & the Wolverine & The X-Men Omni...
Had a few requests for some of the Star Wars proofs here you are.
Arcade1Up Questions thread for the week of October 28, 2019
Trying to complete my Marvel set...