This is my puppy
If you don't both fit inside then one gets top bunk and the other takes bottom
Why is it so hard to get enough fuel? this game very much follows the base of FTL and adds significantly good gameplay elements. But why is fuel so much scarcer? there are more shops and they're easier to get to than in ftl, but often times they sell less fuel even though you use like 3-4x more fuel
Sebastian Stan, Actorul născut în România, a fost nominalizat la Oscar 2025 pentru cel mai bun actor
Noul cod CAEN 9699 - Se legalizeaza cea mai veche meserie?
I’m yet to play Fallout 3. Is New Vegas that much better than it?
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Only fans is a scam, and heres how they scam fans...
Guess who cost me £78.67 today at the vets
Ce job surprinzător de satisfăcător aveți?
Theodor Stolojan dandu-se cu placa la 81 de ani
Why do Americans build with wood?
It seems like a lot of fans don’t realize that Josh Robert Thomson was once a robot skeleton.
Nikolai Patruşev: Moldova va înceta să mai existe ca stat, iar Uniunea Europeană nu mai are nici un drept de a reprezenta România
Is Peter Griffin a man of science or should he be taken seriously?
Evoluția prețului la mâncare în Europa centrală și de est-indicele creșterii între 2015 și 2024
Union for the Mediterranean nations
Case de vânzare la 250 000 euro si asfalt 0
Half in the Bag: Trash Dracula Look Like Boat
I fully believe Spellstrike should have a 1-action version that uses 1-action spells.
Purtătorul de cuvânt al PSD, Lucian Romaşcanu: Alegerile ar putea fi amanate pana la decizia CEDO
The 2014 Romanian Presidential Elections and the Ottoman Europe of 1876
I have a few hours to kill. Describe your PC to me and I'll doodle them in my Moleskine notebook.
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