Cinnamon Apple, the simpler the better :)
Really freeze for 24 hours?
Have you caught back to back colds/flu?
Mods not working at all
NHS England freeze recruiting?
Bottomless pit of hungry
To what extent do we believe in self sabotage?
capricorns who grew up poor
2.8% proposed pay offer
How true is this
2.8% 25/26
Is time going by faster?
cap & sagittarius compatibility?
Breast reduction surgery on the NHS
Nhs jobs
I know I have incredible potential, but where the hell does this crippling self doubt come from alongside it?
Why do I feel more spiritual when drinking?
Ever since Pluto left my health is deteriorating?
Mercury retrograde beating ME
Remember Caps, hard work is rewarded by more work.
Will NHS see you used same/similar information support statement for assistant psychologist post for different application?
Is it alright to email the person to contact in a job advert to ask what type of questions to expect in an interview?
Caps and marriage - being afraid?