A Kytan for my Traitor BA!
Vulkan is coming back?
1500 imperial fist list
My first mini of 2025, Blood Angels Moritat with dual Inferno Pistols
Blackshields contradictory rules
How does it look?
A Scorpius for my Raven Guard
Looking for scale comparisons for Mk. III Iron Hands Resin sculpts.
20 Raven Guard Assault marines for Heresy
With MK7 now canon for all legions, MK7 Thousand Sons veteran test model.
Least favorite legion to play against and why?
"The flesh is weak, our miniatures are strong!"
Usage of Psykers in Horus Heresy era Iron Hands.
Finished a Predator for my Heresy IH
Iron Hands Predator complete :)
Homebrew rule idea: Special units always elite
Should Lascannons lose Sunder? If not, why should they keep it?
My Warmongere for my Black Shield warband, The Foresworn
Playing Imperial fist without being That guy
How would you have fixed HH
Leviathan and his little footrest
Distraction carni... Contemptor?
Is the Falchion completely absent from GW’s site for anyone else?
How do you feel about the general toning down of AP for blast marker weapons and plasma?