Wait… am I being a pickmeisha?
Should I stop living with my bf or break up with him?
Why does my Yorkie look homeless
I think my bf is showing his true colours now
What does it mean to be hired for an on call position?
I just graduated a 4 year degree and 6 months later, I wanna change my career. Is it smart to do?
I just graduated a 4 year degree and 6 months later, I wanna change my career.
Is M Models Toronto a real agency?
Y’all think I have a chance?
Vet said they hear a grade 2-3 murmur in my yorkies heart. He ate grain free food for half his life
Supervisor mad(?) that I’m going to a job interview during current work hours
unknown icon
Does a light purple longchamp le pliage exist?
Does paying the statement keep progress even if I spend it?
Is this crate too big for him?
My bf (25m) says the relationship should be over but when I say okay, he accuses me (22f) of moving on quick. What type of abuse is this?
What would a line of credit actually do?
What it says is the loan is what I’m getting paid, not what the grants say
Update: all of my mandatory classes are full. Being moved to spring
my courses are closed on myservice hub, will it effect my osap
Prospective Student Teachers: Teacher's College/BEd Megapost pt. 4
I study so much but grades are low…
My style got described as “hiker”. I realize maybe I just look messy and musty. What can I do?
FLO AMA: 4:30PM GMT!!!
He likes me but I made him doubt his feelings. Now he’s playing games