how bad would a palm tattoo hurt?
RDR2- Worth it for a "casual" player?
Is there a maximum amount of rare furs per map?
Jehovah Lore Really Intrests Me.
Friendly Bear, Used a Tattoo I Saw From Here on Someone’s Arm As Reference
Big Wizard
Best way to make this work
Class 9 only AR - thoughts?
First diamond!
Ever since this teaser pretty much everyone agrees the next COTW map will be the arctic, so here is my idea for an arctic Canada map.
How often do you guys come across an animal you can't even remember shooting at, much less killing?
I was helping my 7yo brother with all his initial spawns and we came across this
Help? I was 19 😂
Tattoo artworks done by © Chalana Dots, Costa Rica.
Is the dog worth it? If so which one?
Im so lonely :[
What should be my first great one grind
Please help me to hunt white buffalo
Mental health issues. I beg you to pray for me.
Vital Longshot.
Done by Eman Scorfna at 7 Deadly Sins Studio , Malta
anyone else think the red deer look absolutely terrible in this game?
Map Ranking
Tattoo infected?