Kurt and Ram weren't singing Blue to Veronica and you can't change my mind
Was Martha dating Ram
Do Brits use the British words and spellings?
How did/do you annotate your scripts, if at all?
SOUR Elimination Finals! Vote the track you want to WIN; Deja Vu or Brutal?
Redditfying musicals
How many H can you type while holding your breath?
A friend told me I reminded her of Aled. I have never read the books.
which olivia song is this for you?
Lets make sure we get a season 4!
Day 4: Good person, Opinions are divided
least fav heather? And why?
Are American High Schools Actually like they are in Movies?
What is Olivia’s most underrated song in your opinion?
SOU Elimination Round idk ive lost count. Traitor is out now!
Saw this test abd took it, comrades :D
What would be the best 4 songs from guts
What musical note do you think is the prettiest??
I have a feeling that Chandler wanted Duke dead
So do I read nick and Charlie after vol 5?
This thing but I forget about Sour
SOUR Elimination Round Eight! Yooz are really confusing me with this ranking tbh
Mean Girls abcs. What’s D?
The show is going down hill
How are you feeling right now? (ANSWER WITH ONLY A MUSICAL SONG TITLE)