Making a start on my Fortis kill team
Finished The First Termi For My Custom Chapter - What do you think ? :)
Dominus with a few extra pieces
+Brother Kaelos Vatheris of the White Consuls seconded to the Deathwatch+
Kill Team Winter
Hammer Brothers
Here comes the Lion
Disco Elysium quotes I should incorporate into daily conversation?
Redemptor Garadon
Chromatic adoration effect on my death jester
Got a game of anvil siege force v aeldari today wish me luck
Thoughts on the council's new hairbrained bin scheme?
Big Yellow Tank
New recruit to the VIIth
Desolation Squad
Finished my Darnath Lysander conversion
Ballistus Dread
This! Is! Spartan!
Finished my first Crimson Fist
intercession squad castillo
Brutalis Dreadnought
A litte tank, so cute and fancy!
Trying to figure out what else I need to get for my fists. I have been playing a lot of boarding action recently, but I feel like my 1500+ games have been hard to field adequately.