Chosen English names.
DAE get mildy upset when people denote a dollar amount with the money sign after the number?
People are way too okay with modern slavery
ELI5: Why did other human species go extinct rather than coexisting with us?
What does this smell like? Wrong answers only.
People overuse the word "research."
ChatGPT Founder Shares The Anatomy Of The Perfect Prompt Template
Hypothesis: Top Billionaire's and Power People Have Access to Some Kind of Insanely Powerful AI, Which is Being Used For Their Own Personal Benefits
They probably used Google Do Not Translate
Chat GPT
No, ChatGPT is not gaining sentience
Many ‘introverts’ use introversion as an excuse for what are actually poor social skills
Once again. I had a good idea and ChatGPT executed it to near perfection
Why does there seem to be a rise in anti-intellectualism?
what is happening?
People who have been taking antidepressants for years, I'm scared
What’s your AI setup like?
My wife asked for a pain scale to use with patients
My son (6) socially relies on his "silly" mode
Who's "winning" the war in Ukraine?
The song "Row row row your boat" contains the meaning of life.
If humanity descends from a single woman and a single man, shouldn’t we all be horribly inbred?
A.I. To Be Trained On Reddit To Make Sure It Never Becomes Too Intelligent
Leather Donax (หอยตะเภา, หอยท้ายเภา) Second most expensive shellfish in Thailand.
What Movie Did You Watch that Traumatized You at a Young Age?