Saudi-backed Yemeni army targets Houthi positions with artillery and injures a Houthi fighter with a Yemeni sniper in the southern Marib front (January 2025)
Houthi war media cameraman documents footage of their clash with Saudi forces in theborder village of Al-Raboua (English translation) 2015
houthi camera man Killed by the Southern Giants Brigades of the Saudi coalition
Saudi Air Force targets SAM 6 air defense system, radar and missile warehouse belonging to Houthis in Yemen-Marib
The camera man of the Houthi war media documents footage of their clash with Saudi forces in the border village of Al-Raboua (translated into English) and the clip ends with the camera man being killed (2015)
A Houthi cameraman was shot by a Ma'rib tribesman in Ma'rib (2022)
Houthis fail to hit a Saudi M60A3 tank with two RPG missiles and think it caught fire
تجميعات مقاطع الجيش السعودي لاستهداف المليشيات الحوثيه بصاروخ (الارقم)صناعه سعودية
Houthi war media cameraman documents footage of their clash with Saudi forces in the border village of Al-Raboua (English translation) (2015) part2
Huge Houthi training camp targeted by Saudi air force in Yemen Saada-Maran
Houthi war media cameraman documents footage of their clash with Saudi forces in the border village of Al-Raboua (English translation) (2015) part1
Various footage of Saudi soldiers hitting Houthi pickup and motorcycles (raybolt ATGM) in Saada, Yemen (2023)
Various footage of Saudi soldiers hitting Houthi pickup and motorcycles (raybolt ATGM) in Saada, Yemen between(2023-2024)
An M-ATV vehicle in Yemen modified with a Russian ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft gun belonging to the Yemeni government loyal to the Saudi coalition.
Saudi m1a2 and m60a3 (2015)
ايش فايدة نقاط الكارما في الريديت؟
معك ميزانية 60 ألف وش أفضل سيارة تقدر تجيبها؟
فرق 34 سنة فقط.
مر على وفاة الملك عبدالله 10 سنين توفى في 23 يناير
Saudi drone drops bomb on Houthi position in Yemen-Saada
Saudi forces eliminate Houthi sniper in Yemen - Saada