Coop for MENG student
For those of you who have never dated before, are you worried about missing out on an important chapter in life?
Fire alarm before final exams
Transit Alert: R4 41st Ave to Joyce Station/41st Ave to UBC is experiencing delays due to road conditions. Please allow extra travel time.
To the monster who not only took my uber eats order but also replaced it with a stapled bag of trash in its place
What is with people going to class on the most inefficient modes of transportation
What the drink in someone's hand on college campus says about them. (Satire)
most dateable majors at ubc. please discuss
do you have a friend group that was made at ubc?
Best Places to Lock Bicycle on Campus for Free
Failed MATH 103
My calculator after 10 years. No plans to change. Anyone else's look similar?
UCLA Vs. UT Austin Civil Engineering MS?
does fairleigh dickinson uni vancouver offers masters in civil?
I pulled an all nighter just for this😂
first year engineering A Cruel Angel's Thesis parody (low effort video)
Course Selection for Master's Degree Help
RELG 201 Midterm
Structural Firm vs. Architectural-Based Firm
Things missing from your life
taking 6 years to graduate
Here's a photo of an Elaborate Prank Pulled off by UBC Engineering Students at Golden Gate Bridge, what are some elaborate pranks or stories you have on your faculty?
How many years after graduation would you expect to take before you have financial stability or reach your financial goals?
Pro tip: Find a gf before you graduate.
Are you an upper year student? Want to propose and faciliate your *own* peer-based 3-credit course at UBC? Sign up for a Student Directed Seminars info session - Last one is March 15th!