Which composer do you study to?
Tierlist of composers based on how much they appreciate composing.
Es posible irse a vivir sólo ganando aprox. 1M?
What recording do you enjoy particularly because of it’s clarity
What's your favorite line from the series?
What do you think of Takemitsu's music?
What book about classical music history do you recommend?
Am I addicted to RDR2
Need help with Stravinsky's Ballet suites
Feeling the Downbeat "Correctly" when Listening?
My take on u/Veraxus113's question
Schoenberg was woke
Are there any Piano Concertos in real baroque style ala Vivaldi?
Fan-casting Mark Strong as Franz Liszt
Just beat SH2 remake for the first time.
Just finished SIlent Hill 2 and I have a lot of questions
First listen of Mahler’s 5th
What chord is this if it even is a chord
What’s the best program you’ve ever seen live?
What are some great Ravel orchestral works to analyse?
How do I open this it won’t open
Emma Myers será la próxima mujer más hermosa de Hollywood?
How to understand early Bartók harmony
Want to change my style but don't know where to start