Milo passed away
I need more CD do i?
Is this team viable?
Worst mistake or accident you made in Genshin?
Finally passed the abyss but with only 32 stars, how can i optimize my run?
help me clear the abyss
I dont get it my damage seems underwhelming
Lumine animation
Lumine animatic
How do I fix the side of this build? it looks like dog water
RIP Falcons
searching "pokimane" on deped's website and this shows up
my end screen with doggy looks too nuts
So i build my house on a small slope. Any tips?
me and bois debating which of the khezu is the most fuckable
my screen started flickering/shaking while playing a game
what do you guys think of this japanese themed cafe i just build? cred to Freedom.
my game just crashed while downloading the following mods. the game never crashed before downloading them, how can i find the incompatible mods?
How to power dispenser from below
Truly a GOATED pemit
im making a storage system for every item in my wolrd with sorting and shulker unloader. is there a way for my items to not despawn while being transported in water tubes?
Battle ship, made by a potato (me)
are pots better than composters?