Spending all your money to win leagues for gems is just dumb
Probably the easiest one yet 😭
Proof You’re overpaying and Offering too much for songs.
I really don't get the point behind declining 2:1 or 3:1 trades for unknown artists
I am very disappointed
Danmark sorterar sina soldater baserat på IQ och förnamn - Stor dag för alla er Nilsar därute!
am I being unreasonable?
wouldn’t it be possible to keep selling a song and questing for it again to get an epic/shiny?
Less you play, better your odds?
Changing rarity is stupid and dismisses the entire point of the game.
Är det viktigt för er att skriva korrekt på dejtingappar?
Can someone help me understand what i just came across because this is the most questionable thing I’ve ever came across since I’ve started playing this game
What are some things teens should know before entering high school
Guess my age, gender and sexuality based off my music taste!
Most people care about the treatment of wild & domesticated animals but not farm animals
Porn was better with the cheesy background music.
Använder någon svensk fortfarande Twitter, och ser ni isf inget problem med att det ägs och styrs av Elon Musk?
Look who is back 👀
What are Teenagers excited for today?
Blatant lie
It's ok to clap when your flight lands
What are your opinions on the future of GeoGuessr as an esport?
Är massutvisningar den enda lösningen?
why are people so openly insufferable here?
Is it okay to have two accounts that don't interact, or can I be banned?