These suits look so similar
Voyage of Whales and our next lifetime task
New Welfare Event: Wonder Gashapon
Voyage of Whales
Free Talk
What is your favourite Valentine's day suit?
2024 Cdrama Startings and Endings: Which drama started out well and ended well?
Will these suits ever return?
Dresses that should have been separate tops & bottoms, in my opinion
Skipping the Hell, recharges, and waiting for Inspiration Space instead of the Bare Minimum.
My favourite hell event minor suits
Why do many hate the ending of Last Twilight? It was not as bad as people made it out to be.
When bored by a drama: do you fast forward, watch on 2x speed or just drop a drama?
Sooo, will our anniversary hell be Ring of Disorder?
Upcoming Diamond Events
New Hell Event: Box of Adventures
Weekly boycott discussion post
How certain are we that a bigger event is coming soon?
What suit should I get?
Guide - Event Cost Breakdown - Star Secret: Lupine Stars
New Suits in the Gallery!
What is everyone watching ?
New recharges in the CN store