Fit check - tula free to grow for 7wk old
Fit check: Solly Wrap, 3wk old
Which pram to buy
Nuna Lytl as overnight sleep setup?
$5 off Kidizen new & barely used baby clothes
Anyone have a Coupon/Referral Code for Mercari
zinc-based rash creams as rash preventative: yes or no?
December mamas where you at?
Obgyns affiliated to Alexandra cohen?
The Doodee Dust Bowl of Transmitter Park
Anybody second guess their choice after ER experience?
It’s transfer day!!
Fraudulent Collection lingering on my credit reports. Am I just SOL in applying for credit until it's resolved?
Monthly AmEx Referral Thread
Tell me your frozen embryo transfer success stories!
Pyrenees teenager starting to guard us? Advice appreciated
Pyrenees teenager showing signs of "resource" guarding her humans
AmEx Referral Code Master Thread (2019)
Which one of the potential 2020 Democratic Candidates do you think would be worst for America (if they won the Presidency)?
New rubber tree leaf is browning. Should I be concerned?
I am honestly confused... How can votes be faked in the midterm elections?
At what point, do you think the Georgia voter suppression tactics from Brian Kemp warrant significant worry from both sides of the aisle?
Do you believe the economy is improving? If so, why?
What makes you proud to be an American?
Is there a difference between an “Immigrant” and an “Asylum Seeker?”