Songs similar to Garden?
Who had the best unplugged?
What Do You Guys Think About The Latest Pearl Jam Record, Dark Matter?
Let’s hear some hot takes
7 iron, goes around 160-170 going pretty straight but my swing still looks OTT?
Any advice on improvement… play off 8 and looking to improve my scores… have tendency to leave face open and hit shots fat sometimes.
Which one is better?
(Potentially) Unpopular grunge takes?
Does anyone feel like Stone Temple Pilots is the best grunge band of the 90’s?
What is the most soulless corporate song you can think of?
What’s the Greatest Debut Rock Album of All Time and Why?
A metal band where every member is pregnant
Which grunge song has the best guitar solo?
Hard drugs
Aerosmith Fans, I Need Your Help! Help Me Make a Dream Come True for My Boyfriend's 30th Birthday
Aerosmith - Toys In The Attic
Mad Season or Temple of Dog?!?
What is he listening to ?
What are your Hot Takes on PJ?
What will be your first concert of 2025?
Cowboy Culture
Just finished. My one relief from the finale
What song is this?
What's your favorite song by your favorite artist?
mad season’s “above” was the best album to come out of grunge