Sparring partners
Imo reducing melee damage, and removing perception will easily fix the game
How often do you even play this game at this point?
Ribrianne is a hidden gem !
Quick match cheese, why?
So when are you going to fix your game
So sidestepping and going behind your opponent is now considered cheese?
Dp battle so much more fun than singles i was sleep
Ranking up
We need more people like this guy
Dp battle
If you got bad connection you’re getting reported
How do you deal with people spamming unblockable ults from point blank?
I think this is the fastest rage quit I’ve gotten⏳
When someone posts they got Z rank but it’s with an OP
Send the wolves after me
I will not tolerate Frost slander
We need Rank Reset!
Let’s argue about how I’m not really Z rank
Whats everyone’s top 3 ?
It doesn’t matter who you got to Z rank with
Went and did it again for you haters😎
You guys take this game too serious