It's me 😬
Russian passport holders entering Romania now get a special stamp: "RUSSIAN WARSHIP, F*CK OFF"
Exit fest, Novi Sad
My passport is probably the most famous and talked about passport in the world 😬 More in first comment
Novi Sad 31.01
ANANTA | Announce Trailer
Novi Sad 01.12.24
River Bank Fog
Похоже, некоторые физики считают, что Кот Шредингера – частный случай квантового кота
Novi Sad 01.11.24
Tunnel construction
Show me your best close up photo of your cats
Brza Saobraćajnica Novi Sad - Ruma Tunel "Iriški Venac" izgradnja. Fruškogorski koridor
3D Motion Design Reel - Cinema 4D, Octane, xParticles, After Effects
Iriški Venac
Timelapse from drone. Colorful parking place
A train conductor threw out the passenger’s cat with no reason. Volunteers are rescuing him. (Kirov)
OKC at Night w/ the Mini 3 Pro
Tilt shift in Bosnian Mountains
Night flying in Novi Sad, Serbia
Beautiful Sarajevo, Capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Heart-shaped roads in Brasov, Romania
Brasov, Romania at night
Brasov at night 🌃
1,000,000 y.o. mouth of volcano in Romania