The Great Gilworth Family Sketches
Where do you get your OC inspirations from? Art, music, novels etc.
How do y'all come up with an OC
OC Noxis Evermore Painting (first attempt at this style)
Why is it like this?
Period Appreciate OC Sketches Edith Ellingham
What to do when you’re in writers block?
Messy OC in Tech-wear Sketches
Is this considered tracing/ cheating? 😭
Tell me what physical trait your oc has that they are proud of and why.
“If I am with you…” multi-work piece WIP
Give me sad songs you think of when writing your OCs
Let me guess your OC's personality and preferences by just looking at them!
Practicing Values and Ugly Crying (WIP)
Making YOUR ocs playlists !!
Another doodle done for the day
“Revelation and Requiems”
What is your hardest OC to draw? (Or just complicated design in general)
Lazy doodles and sketches (Noxis Evermore)
Fridaying time, hand over some OCs!
I Finally Drew a Coloured Version of Her
which of these facial expressions remind you of your oc(s)?
Your character's favorite song?
Post ur oc and let people assume things about them