Konstruktive Kritik / Lob nach Zomboid #4
Gamers, dont say the title of the game, but what game is instantly recognized by one quote?
It´s not (fully) the fault of young People to have a low attention span and wanting instant reward (lacking patience), it´s the Mountain of false promises they encounter
Was haltet ihr vom Zomboid Projekt
ELI5: why do we use dozens, so much so that there’s a word for “12 of something”? Why haven’t we standardized using 10 of something more than 12?
Is it a thing for Americans to visit some or all of the different Biomes in the US or do you stay roughly in your Area?
Battle Of Stalingrad | German Wehrmacht
Movies with an opening scene that is vastly superior to the rest of the film?
First Movie. Why does Norrington said to Jack ,,think about all the different meanings of silent as the Grave,,?
What do we think about the WASP launcher?
Is there a reason most people dont deal with heavies?(Bugs)
Can this game stop crashing for 5 minutes please?
It´s really impressive that we can play with everyone on the Globe with no connection problems.
Mines are bad not because they cant kill things they're bad because you have to wait 180 seconds to use them, Arrowhead should give them 45 or maybe 50 second cooldown.
How can i use 2 Helpers on 1 Field without them doing the whole Field 2x
The Lumberjack (which includes super strength) is back!
Can´t find the fun in fighting Automatons...what makes them interesting to fight against?
Is the Orbital Napalm Barrage just way too much firepower for a Helldiver?
Andauernde Beschwerden, doch es ändert sich nichts
Pietsmiet, wenn nach einem Charakter gefragt wird
Is it just me or are the average Fields way to small?
Video zum Landwirtschafts-Simulator 2025
PSA: If you cant hire a Worker with an xbox Gamepad you just have to reset your controls in the Menu
Unpopular Opinion: I HATE when players go off and take out primaries, secondaries, POI’s on their own
Adding enemy types and weapons is fine but can we have more different mission types?