Some of you liked my wall mounted lid holder. Now here's version 2.0 that can hold both the air fryer and pressure cooker lids.
[product] Dispose of women in the pink bin, next door.
hit a pot hole, annoyed and hurt
I want to make a new wheelchair after bad experience with the ones they use at hospitals— where can I find a professional to help?
Eurobox Cargo Bike
Drivers for Bamboo MTE-450 Windows 10
Double kickstand hitting the frame while driving
I have a question
Builder left a gap in the shower that will be “double water proofed” and tiled over. Is this an acceptable solution?
This rock lodged in the window it broke.
what mechanism would allow the servos to move but lock in place when they stop?
Two standing tickets for Newcastle
Did I use the tyre boot wrong?
Tattoo ink ferris wheel
Unobtrusive interior resin fixings
Ideas to optimize your cargobike
Replace Shimano Nexus hub with Rohloff
Hoping for some advice...UK
Perhaps a stupid question but how do you prevent a manual crankshaft from spinning (while still in the engine) with the engine after it has started, unable to pull it out?
Indicating on a roundabout
Long tail style backseat for a normal bike?
Material comparable for human flesh with bones? What material to choose and how to verify/document the comparability!
Ticket swap - standing for seated, Newcastle 21/3/2025
Choosing rear panniers for shopping trips in on a longtail
Any solutions for folding footboards or footpegs for Yuba Kombi?