Grenade rules.
Noble team?????
Recon Edition VS Spartan Edition
Finally got the Chief! :)
Line of sight help
What is the Scale of Flashpoint (and what does it mean)?
Fast Transition and Free Shoot Action
Custom rules.
Round Table Review of Recon Edition
Mantic Terrain
Fast Transition + Snapshot?
Optics question
Finished up my Spartan Edition tokens.
Painting guide for elites
My first experience + multiplayer question
Rules for double sided weapons cards?
Advice for Painting Recon Set (again)
Master Chief and the rest of the spartan cards
Clash/assault question
All set up for our LGS Flashpoint Demo day! I'm really excited to advocate for the game and hopefully get some new players in!
Wild speculation time, what's to come in wave 3?
Washing Paint off Figures
More than 4 Players?
First Game with 4 people
I need everyone’s opinion for this…