Neuron activation
Alistar skin replaced on Battle Pass
Vi isso num outro app e me pergunto se daria certo como o desse cara deu, pq eu acho que a agua vazaria toda
Finja que sou mulher e seja gado assim como você é com todas que postam aqui.
Shockblade Master Yi Mythic Chroma - Fanmade Custom Skin
A call for help.
Question, how am i suppose to beat this comp late game (4th one is asol btw)
After 1470 days without a new skin (10-Feb-2021), Alistar's new skin is just a recolor of base skin with some extra armor. No different effects, no new recall. Same level as 2009 skins.
250$ for a skin they didn't even change the BASE animations
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New to master yi
Big brain bird, Riven just sucks.
Twitch bugfix?
Perdi acesso a conta. Ticket.
Master Yi is WAY stronger in HIGH ELO than LOW ELO and might recieve a midscope